Basel leads the Swiss rankings with 13.2 violent crimes per 1,000 inhabitants (Swiss average 5.4). In such an environment, it’s more important than ever that You can defend Yourself effectively. Self-defense is not only crucial for Your personal safety but also strengthens Your self-confidence.
Self-defense does not mean becoming a fighting machine. Rather, it involves recognizing potential dangers early and avoiding them. A sharpened “danger radar” helps You navigate public spaces safely. It’s important to understand what perpetrators typically aim to do so You can respond appropriately.
In the event of an attack, it is crucial to protect Your central nervous system and remain conscious. Effective self-defense techniques, which focus primarily on protection, are essential. However, sometimes active resistance is necessary to create opportunities to escape – targeted strikes and kicks can be lifesaving.
Besides physical techniques, psychological preparation is of great importance. It is crucial to know how You react under stress and how You can manage Your emotions effectively. This knowledge can make the difference between overcoming a danger and being overwhelmed by it.
We recommend attending workshops or regular training to learn in a supportive environment. Our courses in Basel offer You the opportunity to learn self-defense in a safe setting. Fun and building self-confidence are the focus.
In a city like Basel, where the crime rate is higher than the Swiss average, being prepared is essential. A self-defense course not only gives You the necessary skills but also the confidence to apply them in case of an emergency.
Our trainers bring their personal experience to the table, which makes learning authentic and profound
Our courses are designed so that you can make rapid progress without any previous knowledge
We offer you a safe space in which you can develop freely and try out new behaviors
For optimum learning success, we ensure that our training methods are tailored to your individual requirements
We not only promote physical skills, but also mental resilience
With our emotion-based training approach, we help you to internalize what you have learned effectively and permanently
Wir bieten actiongeladene Trainings, bei denen Du in einem geschützten Rahmen über Deine Schatten springen und neue Ressourcen in Dir entdecken kannst. Diese neu freigelegten Kräfte machen Dich im Alltag und in Stresssituationen stärker und steigern Deine Resilienz.
Impressum / Imprint:
Gartenstrasse 101
4052 Basel
+41 79 580 39 33 (Peter)